HERE is an article I read on Yahoo News and, though I celebrate Christmas, I whole heartedly agree with this "group" of people. I do think that Christmas should be celebrated but it's not something I'm going to force someone to believe in. My favorite quote from the article is:
"Christians get all bent out of shape over the fact that someone didn't say 'Merry Christmas' when I walked into the store. But why are we expecting the store to tell our story? That's just ridiculous." - Pastor Ricky McKinley.
Bless that Pastor's heart for realizing Christians or believers in Christ (LDS included) are the only ones that have something special to celebrate this season.
An even better point made is that besides the fact that Christians expect a "Merry Christmas" rather than a "Happy Holidays", is they also expect this to be done while they're going into massive debt to buy their family presents, or making sure they buy the nicest present to win some kind of fictional contest. In light of this, Craig and I have decided to make it a family tradition in our house to put some of the money we're setting aside for presents toward a charity of our family's choice. This, of course, won't happen until next year, but I think it will help remind our children that the greatest gift you can give the Lord is to help his children out.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas AND Happy Holidays.