We got our Christmas Card out in time which is amazing because I didn't think we would be able to get to it this year. We usually have our friend Danielle take a family picture of us well in advance of our Christmas Card, but we were busy and she was busy so i braved the photography world and attempted to take a picture of the kiddos. Danielle, I appreciate your hard work so much more now. Taking a picture of two kids is hard. You wouldn't guess from the first "test" photo we took, but from there it just got worse. I'd like to note that between each of these pictures are more pictures much blurrier and horrible looking. We were all pretty frazzled in the end.
Test...if only they were wearing their Christmas clothes...
At this point I was bribing Lucas with a cookie to smile and hold Darci up. He gave up after this photo.
So I stuck her in the bumbo and tried to get a picture of him kissing her...she wasn't a huge fan of that either.
So I gave her the binky and just decided that was going to be the happiest she was going to be at this point. Hardest thing ever.
The final product.
"Mommy, don't you ever make me do that again!"
In other news...
I've put together our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Meals. Let's just say they're going to be fantastic!