Monday, June 1, 2009


I suppose it has been a long time since I've written. I guess that's because I was determining what I would write about next. Well, here it is.
An explanation for the last three posts. My cousin and I were talking and she said that she would read her friends' blogs, and they always seemed about their children. She said there were times when she would want to know about them; what their thoughts were, how they were doing. That gave me an idea. I decided to write a few posts about my thoughts, hoping for a discussion or conversation. After the second one, when no one seemed to be commenting, I decided to test a theory out. I theorized that if I were to add a picture of Luke to one of my discussion posts, I would get more comments. Well, obviously, I was correct. I guess in writing those three posts, I was hoping for some intelligent conversation for once, rather than the cries and coos I live with everyday. But, not to worry, I will go back to the posts about Lucas. I appreciate those that did comment and give me more to think about these last three posts. And, thank you for humoring my psychological side.


Enos Heinzen said...

i didn't read this post because there are no pictures. :)

Angela said...

haha! well then that must mean you're not my friend. :)

Lindsay said...

i read it!!!! and i agree... you know what i do instead? i post outlandish stuff that people dramatize over rather than a lucas pic... it keeps people guessing. you're pretty crazy... i'm sure you'll think of something hilarious. :) hehe